The next delivery is scheduled for Saturday, 3/22, with the deadline on Monday, 3/17

News of May, 23

It's already mid-May, and just when you think the cold days are finally dwindling, summer is about to start.ください!


News of the month
Thank you for participating in the beef tendon monitor that we recruited in March. Thank you for your cooperation in the questionnaire. I have come to the conclusion that it is difficult結論に達しました。

However, since it is a difficult part to obtain in the United States, I have been able to purchase only the beef tendons by asking the butcher I had previously asked for.ました!

It's a package like this, and just like before, there's a good amount of meat left, and there's less fat. Please try it.さい!

To the beef tendon purchase pageジへ

*Please note that this beef tendon is not the beef tendon taken from the cow of The H Farm, but the beef tendon raised by the butcher's family.ます*


beef jerky beef stickク

Barbecue season It's beer season. Since it is made, the taste is further improved. Please try it.お試しください。



There is a little ground beef left on sale!

Introduced as a featured product in April「Minced meat (about 85%Lean) - TUBE package -」However, there are only a few left, but we have it in stock.ください!


Minced meat (about 85%Lean) - TUBE package -