The H Farm Yakiniku (Japanese Barbeque) Beef
In the US, there are Japanese and Korean style yakiniku restaurants in big cities, but they are hard to find in regular areas. Even if there is a yakiniku restaurant in your neighborhood, it's nice to enjoy yakiniku at home.すよね〜。
The H Farm also sells cuts of meat for yakiniku. There are many different cuts, so please try them all.さい!
How to slice
First, let's look at slicing. If you have a slicer, it's a good idea to use it to cut large chunks of meat. For smaller pieces, it's easier to slice with a knife.ます。
When slicing, cutting across the fibers will make the texture softer and easier to eat.。
This is a flank steak. The white lines are the fibers. Slice it across these.す。
Slice it along the red lines。
If you slice it diagonally like this, it's easier to slice thinly with a knife. Also, if you cut it straight out of the refrigerator, the meat will be cold and firm, making it easier to slice thinly.いです。
Yakiniku (grilled meat) cuts
Top (Chuck) Blade Steak / Misuji (3cm thick slices)
This rare cut is located above the shoulder blade and only about 3kg can be taken from one cow. It is a staple for yakiniku and goes well with salt and sauce. The meat is tender and has a rich flavor.楽しめます。
Remove the tough tendons in the center and grill briefly.。 -
Flat Iron Steak
This is a cut of the same part as the misuji, but in a different direction. It is cut so that there are no lines, so it is delicious as is and easy to slice.いです。
Mock Tender / Chili Pepper
This meat is good for roasting, but is also delicious when grilled. The meat is a little coarse-grained and sinewy, but has a strong red meat flavor. It is best to remove the sinew first, slice it thinly, and lightly grill it.高です! -
Skirt Steak, Inside / Harami (abdominal diaphragm))
Skirt steak, which is part of the diaphragm muscle, has a strong flavor and is full of umami. It does not harden easily even when heated, and has a moderately elastic yet soft texture. The meat has a strong umami flavor, so it goes well with a strong sauce.立ちます。
It may be packed rolled up like the picture below, but when you take it out of the pack it will look like the picture above.す -
Hanging Tender (Diaphragm Back))
Like the belly, this meat is attached to the diaphragm, but the sagari has less fat and a lighter flavor. By slowly cooking it, the sweetness of the meat comes out.ます。 -
Sirloin (Tri-tip) Roast/Tomo Triangle Hiuchiチ
Tomosankaku is a part of the cow that corresponds to the thigh meat.す。The meat has a good balance of fat and lean meat and is very tender. For yakiniku, it is recommended to slice it thinly and lightly grill both sides.すめ。
Flank Steak / Tomo-bara Sashimiミ
Among the belly meat that makes up most of beef, a part of the rib meat close to the stomach is called flank. Although it is belly meat, it is a part with little fat and is relatively light in taste. It is a part that goes well with any dish, such as sliced for yakiniku, cubed for diced steak, or thinly sliced for stir-fry.いい部位です。
Toungue beef tongue purchaseれ分)
Beef tongue is an essential ingredient for yakiniku. After it is partially thawed, peel the skin off and slice it. For yakiniku, we recommend the bottom of the tongue, which is fatty and tender. The tip of the tongue is best for stewing.います。
*This is the tongue we purchased from a meat processing company.*
The heart is cut in half and packed. The muscle fibers are fine, so it is easy to bite into and has a crispy texture. It is recommended to eat it without overcooking it, when the surface is lightly browned and there is still pink in the center.がおすすめ。
To prepare the meat, place it in a bowl of water to remove any thin sebum or blood vessels, then change the water and soak it in cold water for a while. After that, wipe off the water and slice it.ください。 -
Healthy and fresh beef liver is sliced and cut into bite-sized pieces for grilling. If it is heated at high temperatures, it will have a gritty texture, so heat it gently on the edge of the hot plate. The color of the entire grilled surface will change and once some parts have browned, flip it over. If you apply sesame oil to both sides first, it will grill nicely without sticking to the hot plate.綺麗に焼けます。
To prepare the fish, soak it in a bowl of water for a while, then wipe off the water and slice it. Change the water 2-3 times to remove any unpleasant odor. If you are particularly concerned about the odor, soak it in milk to further remove it.れます。